The Plus Website Package – Our Best Seller!
This package is a perfect fit for the small- to medium-sized businesses and organizations we serve. Giving you the edge that only professional custom design can, the powerful control of the WordPress CMS, and a plethora of great features, the Plus Package can make your website vision a reality! Review the features below, and contact us when you’re ready to purchase!
- WordPress Content Management System, allowing you to easily add, update, and maintain content on your website!
- Unique, custom design with up to 3 sets of revisions
- Up to $100 worth of stock photography, FREE!
- Powerful blogging tools for both businesses and individuals
- Up to thirty (30) pages of content
- Up to five (5) online forms (submitted electronically to any e-mail address you specify)
- Up to two (2) rotating banners, with up to five (5) images each
- Basic Search Engine Optimization (one time)
- Basic Social Networking integration (one time)
- Up to two hours of training
$3,999 $2,999*
*With the purchase of a hosting plan